Bridge from Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

The below tutorial will explain how to bridge tokens between Fuse Network and BSC. We will bridge WETH tokens in this example.

Please note that the bridge works in the following directions

  • ETH – FUSE network and FUSE network-ETH

  • FUSE network - BSC and BSC-FUSE network

If you would like to watch the below tutorial through a video please follow this link.

Bridging tokens from Fuse network to BSC

Note: Make sure you are connected to FUSE network RPC. To learn how to add Fuse network RPC you can follow the tutorial here.

Step 1: Navigate to The interface will look like as shown below:

Use the “Connect to a wallet” on the right hand top corner to connect your wallet to FuseSwap. Once you connect, you should be able to see your wallet address and see the network you are connected to. (in this case Fuse network).

Step 2: Click on “Bridge”. If you have “WETH (Deprecated)” when you click on the dropdown menu, then please follow the tutorial here to learn how to migrate to the upgraded contract of WETH. Select “WETH” from the dropdown menu and enter the amount of WETH you want to transfer from Fuse Network to BSC.

Click on “Approve WETH” and approve the transaction on Metamask. Once you approve and the transaction is confirmed on-chain the interface will look as shown below.

Click on “Transfer” and approve the transaction. Once this transaction is confirmed on-chain, the WETH balance will be moved to the bridge and you will receive the WETH on your address on BSC. The transaction can be tracked on

Bridging tokens from BSC to Fuse network

Note: Make sure you are connected to BSC RPC. To learn how to add BSC RPC you can follow the tutorial here.

Step 1: Navigate to The interface will look like as shown below:

Use the “Connect to a wallet” on the right hand top corner to connect your wallet to FuseSwap. Once you connect you should be able to see your wallet address and see the network you are connected to (in this case BSC).

Step 2: Select WETH from the dropdown menu and enter the amount of WETH you want to transfer from BSC to Fuse Network. Click on “Transfer” and approve the transaction on Metamask. Click on “Approve WETH” and approve the transaction on Metamask.

Note: The contract address of WETH on BSC is 0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8. If you do not find the token ticker of the token you are trying to bridge from BSC to fuse network, Please find out the right contract address from

Once the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the “Transfer” button can be clicked and transaction has to be approved, and once this second transaction is confirmed on-chain, the WETH balance on the same address on Fuse network will be credited with the WETH tokens.

The updated WETH balance on Fuse network can be checked through Fuse network block explorer

Last updated