Add Liquidity


  • Have $FUSE in wallet for gas fees

  • Have equal values of two tokens

Step 1:

Click on "Exchange" and switch to Liquidity tab.

Step 2:

Select your currency.

Step 3:

Enter the desired amount to be added. Click "Enter Amount" when finished.

Step 4:

A confirmation window will pop up. Click "Confirm Supply" when you are ready.

Step 5:

You will be back to Liquidity tab after confirming supply. From here you can see the your liquidity transaction list.

Step 6:

If you want to remove a certain transaction, click on its "Remove" button. A pop up will appear.

Step 7:

Choose the desired remove amount and click "Remove".

Step 8:

A confirmation window will pop up. Click "Confirm" when you are ready.

Step 9:

You can review your Liquidity History and edit Settings as shown below.

Last updated